Saturday, November 16, 2024
8:00 pm

HomeCare: A Concert on Climate Change - Cal Tech, Pasadena

HomeCare focuses on the climate crisis, including the words of young leaders who have spoken about the urgency of action toward conserving what resources are available on this planet. We've designed this concert to educate us on aspects of climate change that go beyond our emotional response. We hope that you will leave this space aware of our limited resources and how we must work to protect them for generations to come.

Get ticketsConcert Program


Beckman Auditorium, Cal Tech
332 S Michigan Ave, Pasadena, CA 91106


HomeCare is presented as part of Opening Doors: A program of Getty's Pacific Standard Time (PST) ART events presented by Caltech.

Opening Doors is a themed series of dance, music, and theater events on campus that showcase artists whose work engages with both the history of science and cutting-edge scientific research.

Following selected Opening Doors events, a moderated discussion will engage artists, Caltech scientists, and audience members in conversation around the topics explored in the performances, such as artificial intelligence, ethics in research, and climate change.


$40 premium; $30 general; $10 students (with student ID)